Playfina Casino - Why does pragmatic not work? VPN on and off nothing

Case status: Resolved
Verdict: Make a deposit of $50 into your account
Reason: Why does pragmatic not work? VPN on and off nothing
Disputed amount: $100 AUD

Case summary

Why does pragmatic not work doesn't matter where I have my vpn and doesn't work with vpn off

Admin SmartPokies avatar
Admin SmartPokies
Level 2

We understand the frustration you're experiencing with accessing Pragmatic games. The issue you're facing is not related to the use of a VPN. To access games from Pragmatic without the need for a VPN, you need to make a deposit of $50 into your account. Once you do this, your account will be moved to a group where Pragmatic games are available without the need for VPN access. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please feel free to ask!